Is it posible to be a student-citizen? Well, you already know what a student is, you are one, but what is a citizen. According to a citizen is an inhabitant of a city or town. So yes, to me it is possible to be a student citizen, I consider everyone on the campus as one.
I don't think I inform myself about the world and its national affairs as much as I should. Maybe if I paid more attention, I'd know who to vote for. Right now I still stand undecided but as time goes on; hopefully gaining more knowledge of the candidates, I'll be able to make a decision. Like me, students aren't really as serious as they should be about this coming election. All elections are a piece of history, but this specific one, for it to be our first one, is a big deal and I personally don't think people realize how huge that really is. They should take advantage of it, and have their voice be heard. Too many people just stand by, they don't vote because they don't feel they really count, which is a shame.