Friday, September 19, 2008


Is it posible to be a student-citizen? Well, you already know what a student is, you are one, but what is a citizen. According to a citizen is an inhabitant of a city or town. So yes, to me it is possible to be a student citizen, I consider everyone on the campus as one.

I don't think I inform myself about the world and its national affairs as much as I should. Maybe if I paid more attention, I'd know who to vote for. Right now I still stand undecided but as time goes on; hopefully gaining more knowledge of the candidates, I'll be able to make a decision. Like me, students aren't really as serious as they should be about this coming election. All elections are a piece of history, but this specific one, for it to be our first one, is a big deal and I personally don't think people realize how huge that really is. They should take advantage of it, and have their voice be heard. Too many people just stand by, they don't vote because they don't feel they really count, which is a shame.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What I wanna do..

For our assignment we were to pick three topics that we are most intrested about. I am interested in multiple things but three that I defintately want to
look into are another language, such as Chinese or Japanese, Rowing, after college of course, and photography.

I'm always fascinated by language. Whether it is Spanish, Italian, French, ect. I took Italian for three years before I moved to Florida and fell in love with it. I was a little disappointed when I found out my new school didn't teach it. Ever since then I have studied Spanish, but I want to try something new. I've heard numerous times that it is extremely hard to learn a new language as you get older, but I want to prove them wrong. Realistically, as much as I would love to learn a language such as Japanese or Chinese, I might not be able to just because of how complex it is. 私の名前はエマである (My name is Emma) I might look into learning more Italian, so I can rightfully call it my second language, and maybe Gaelic, because I would love to go to Ireland and know what they're saying haha. I just love language. period.

Ever since my dad gave me his old camera, that he's had for yyeaaarrssss, and I took photography, I absolutely adore it. For awhile I wanted to make it part of my career, just because I like the capture the moment, and when something pops out at me, I want to keep it. I mostly take pictures of objects, because I look at the different angles. I also enjoy close up photography, it just really appeals to me. Here is what I'm talking about. I always have a camera on me no matter what because I get random moments where I'm suddenly in picture mode. haha. After college, I really wouldn't mind going further with it, rather than just taking random pictures for the hell of it.

One of my favorite things in the whole wide world is rowing. I love everything about it. the aspect of the sport, the way it works, the boats, the oars, the regattas , everything. This is my 3rd year rowing, but first time collegically, and I'm thrilled to continue it in college. When I first started to apply to colleges, never really thought about not rowing. There was no question in my mind, I simply could not live without it. I know for a fact that if I have had a bad day, all I need to do is get on the water, and I forget about everything,I just row haha. After college I wouldn't mind saving up for a single or splitting the cost of a double, because I honestly do not think I could stop. Rowing - the ultimate addiction. :]

Monday, September 8, 2008

house of sand and fog.. one.

First off, I really enjoyed the book. It was interesting to see the difference in each ones lives and how they intertwined. The author did a great job in using the first person perspective and it really helped you choose between Kathy or Behrani.

Personally I cannot choose who is right, because in my opinion they both were wrong, so I don't want to nessicarily take sides, but I can atleast say i feel sypmathy for Kathy. She's had quite a rough life. Parental acceptance seemed to be an issue, and that possibly resulted in substance abuse and her easy attatchment to people. Yes she had a bad life, but that is not why I feel for her. No one deserves to have their house taken away, especially when it is the Government's mistake. You have to keep in mind that the house was rightfully hers anyway, because she mentions that it was fully paid for. How do you make a mistake like that, and then go on like it is nothing. That would probably bother me the most if I was in Kathys shoes.

Although Berhani and his family were in exile from their country, he wasn't exactly the perfect Colonel. If it wasn't for him being in the secret police, SAVAK, he never would have had to leave in the first place. Yes he has a family to take care of, but he should have thought of that. I don't understand why I am so against him, maybe it is the fact that he justlooks down to all Americans, but who knows ha ha. It also upsets me that his way of life is living a lie. He is in a fabricated world and comes off as if he was still a Colonel, which is not the case anymore.

They areso similar that they're stubborness tries to out role the others and they don't even know it. Because of the books point ofview, you're able to look at both and realize how they both do what they have to do for themselves, whether or not it hurts the other. It is in a sense that if one lives, the other must die. That is how I see it anyway, and in the end, death is the result. If one can't have their way.. they both can't.