Monday, October 6, 2008

My Boy Chris.

Just like everyone else that Chris has met; or should I say Alex, I like him. I think he was a smart individual who knew what he wanted in life and knew just how to achieve it. Unlike everybody else, his idea of the American dream was very non conformist. Most people will agree that their American dream is one in which you succeed to the fullest, but what makes each different is what success really means to each individual. One might say making as much money as they possibly can is one way of living the American dream while others; just like Alex’s way of thinking, is the complete opposite; Working hard and not living by anyone else’s way.
Although he says he does not want to end up like his parents, I don’t really understand why he wanted to rough it out in the wild to the extreme. A lot of people feel the same way as him but I know that is not the first thing I would think of if I just didn’t want to end up like the family. Even though I find his adventure insane; I give him a lot of credit for doing what he wanted because I don’t think I could ever be as brave as he was.
Curious as to what some people thought the definition of the American Dream was; I looked it up on, and found numerous results. One was a long, essay written definition, but the one I really liked was short and sweet. The American Dream: “Getting paid a whole lot to do not a whole hell of a lot.” I am going to have to say that pretty much sums it up. Why do people do what they do? To achieve what they feel is the American dream, and to most, that is as follows; make a lot of money by not doing a lot. Sounds easy, but not everyone gets their dream handed to them. I think it depends on the person whether or not they think they have gotten hold on their dream. I think it’s safe to say that some people have reached their, what used to be, unreachable.

1 comment:

Queen said...

I love the title of your blog! it took me forever to think about a title.